The film "I'l Buono, I'l Brutto, I'l Cattivo" or as it’s more commonly known: "The Good, The Bad, The Ugly”, is a beautifully designed film. The 1966 film is a classic spaghetti western and is apart of the Dollars Trilogy. Director Sergio Leone made this film not only a classic in the world of popular cinema, but in the world of art and design too. The costumes, cinematography, and music of this film all are so modern for their time and really were influential in film and art. The costumes that adorn a young Clint Eastwood are beautifully iconic: the poncho. In fact, I can see many of the trends from the fall 2010 runway in his costume from the shearling, military, poncho and even the broad rimmed hat. Clint carries this outfit with such style and that really creates the mystic that surrounds his character.
The cinematography of this film is amazing; there is one continuous shot at the end that just focuses in on the eyes of the three characters during a stand off for 5 minutes or more. This shot was so beautifully laid out and designed because it really captured the tension that was between the characters with just the squints from their eyes.
Ennio Morricone created the soundtrack for this film and really made it something different. The film has very little speech in it and so the score really is prevalent and sort of narrates the film. The theme song is very sixties-Italian and yet there is a sense of the old west and the energy and spirit that embodies it.
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