Gap came out with a brand new logo last week, expecting applause from the world and instead got hit hard with criticism. This backlash came from the general public via social network sites like twitter and facebook along with scorn from professionals. The new logo had sans-serif typeface, which was bolded, on a plain white background, and there was a gradient blue box just above the “p” in “Gap”. This new logo really retrograded the whole company’s look through its simplicity and overall bulkiness. There is no real style in this logo and it seems very generic, not setting the Gap apart from say a pharmaceutical company. It seems as though the designers were really trying to emulate the famous American Apparel logo, where its just bold Helvetica font spelling out the name, but they failed to capture that and instead captured something that was just plain boring. The logo that Gap has been using for 20 years or more is a simple navy block with long, skinny serif letters spelling out “Gap”. This logo really fits the Gap and the whole style of the store, with their plain and simple clothes that have very stylish cuts and modern trends. The general public obviously really felt strongly about this old logo and was deeply offended by the new logo. People were not afraid to voice their opinion on the change in icons, and so as a result there was a huge outcry. The Gap responded to this by immediately revoking the newly designed logo and keeping the age old classic one. This is really a perfect example of how minor differences in a logo can really change the over all feeling of a product or of a company. Buy just getting rid of the serifs on the typeface and making the blue box smaller, the logo really lost its iconography and became something that was more repulsive than stylized.
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