There is no handbag more coveted than the Hermès Birkin bag. Birkin bags are made out of the finest leathers, the most precious metals, and are individually handcrafted. It is said to take up to 48 hours to create one of these beloved purses. Hermès, a french company that specializes in leather goods, has created this icon of a purse along with the mystery of it. A bag could cost up to $150,000 depending on the type of leather and hardware that is on it. One may ask why would anyone in their right mind want to spend $150,000 on a purse, and the answer is all in the design of it.
The Birkin bag is really quite simple, but that simplicity is what makes it so beautiful. It is a timeless piece of design that is very feminine, yet at the same time has a very masculine feel. It could be a travel bag, a brief case, or just a purse but it is created to work for any situation in a woman's life. Yet it is an enigma to most, and may just come to you in dreams. Hermès only produces a certain number of bags per year and they are all randomly distributed to their stores around the world. There are wait lists to get onto the wait list for this bag, and only a select few individuals are able to obtain these pieces of art. This rare purse has become a sort of status symbol throughout the world not only for its value but also for the classic design of it.
Image taken from http://birkinwatcher.blogspot.com/
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