Cutlery has always needed to be ergonomically designed so that the user may successfully cut items without harming themselves. Knifes are very sharp, dangerous pieces of kitchenware that are used daily to prepare food all over the world. If they were not designed properly there would be injuries constantly happening, and most people would probably loose a few fingers. Knifes are so important to everyday life, and the way we eat food today that they must be safe, comfortable, easy to use, have high performance and look aesthetically pleasing. This soft cheese knife by Wüsthof really embodies all of those ergonomic qualities and more.
Safety is key in cutlery design because of the danger they inherently possess. A sharp blade being thrust down into something is quite hazardous especially when the user’s fingers are centimeters away from it. This soft cheese knife’s handle is designed to fit perfectly into one’s hand with a natural grip. This allows for less slippage on the handle and a more secure grip.
The comfort of the knife goes hand in hand with the safety of the device. The handle once again is key to the comfort of the knife because of its natural shape and grip. The smooth steel that the knife is made out of makes for very cool and comfortable handling.
This soft cheese knife is specifically made to only cut through cheeses like Brie, Camembert, or Roquefort. Since it has a specific use, the ease of use is quite good. The holes that are placed throughout the blade help achieve that ease of use by preventing the cheese from sticking to the knife. The holes provide a smoother cut and a clean slice making the item much easier to use than others.
The performance of this knife is very high because it’s quality. It is made from the German company Wüsthof who is known for their exceptional quality and strength. The knife itself is made from a solid piece of stainless steel, which makes it very strong, and the blade stays sharp for a very long time.
Lastly the aesthetics of this knife are very beautiful for a piece of kitchenware. It is made of solid stainless steel, so the whole knife is a solid silver color, and since it is all one piece it really looks like it flows. The handle and blade are not stuck together, but rather flow into each other and it looks like an art piece. The holes in the blade that make the cheese not stick, really add a rather whimsical feature to the knife and separate it from the rest of a knife set. It has a swooping blade that swings up at the end and really adds to the curve of the whole knife.
The Wüsthof soft cheese knife really embodies the concept of ergonomic designs because it fulfills all of the components that make an item user friendly. Not only does this knife look much more beautiful than most others, but it provides much more for it’s user and the world that uses it.
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