Le Pegase de Hermes By Christian Renonciat
Color is what makes the world interesting and allows for individuality. As seen on these Hermes scarves, one has a wide array of color on it and the other is simply a sketch on a white background. The first scarf has lots of juxtaposing color, which draws the eye in and really makes it look at what is happening in the art. While the plain white one is really rather boring and doesn’t grab one’s attention at all. Color is key in making a good design, and without the correct use of it a design could go completely wrong. This scarf is perfect example of good color use because it really plays with juxtaposing color and quantity and yet it stays contained to Pegasus and doesn’t overcrowd the entire silk square. The brilliant colors used here really show what a beautiful piece of art the scarf is and the design is made into something incredible. While the white scarf is terribly bland and boring, the black sketch lines overcrowd the white and make the whole square look cluttered and uninteresting. This is a perfect example of how color really transforms a design. They are the exact same thing just one has an array of beautiful colors strategically placed that catch the buyers attention and the other completely makes the scarf look bland and standard. Color makes everything unique and the color scarf in this example becomes a totally different piece of art because of it’s brilliance.